Translating In-Person to Online

Part of the Aspen Institute, Aspen Words is a non-profit dedicated to encouraging writers and inspiring readers. In-person events have always been a key component of the Aspen Words mission, and with lockdown came the need to move this key moment online — and still produce a compelling event. As the creative director, I was excited to take on the challenge


Finding the story: Editing

Before I was brought on board, Aspen Words had solicited user generated videos from past speakers with the prompt of “why read?” Digging into the clips, I was able to tease out a story of passion for writing and community.


First we needed a motif - Design

There needed to be a connector between all of the elements of the production and a stop motion curtain of books did the trick


Finding the story: Editing

In addition to the collection of famous authors in the “Why Read?’ video Aspen Words solicited user generated videos from past workshop attendees with the prompt of why write?